ehh, i guess they don't let you upp more than 5 pics a day. it says on the pic faq that each person gets 300mb of server space for upping pics. that's insanity. where the hell do they find the money for this type of thing? and since i can't upp the macros, i'll just have to do it tomorrow or something. i just really have this urge to tweeze my eyebrows right now, don't know why. sucks all the tweezers are missing. i wonder, is there a way to make this public or private post like in LJ or is everything automatic public no matter what? that's gotta suck then, if it turns out to be something really private and someone stumbles onto your blog by accident who knows you. so anyway, i'm working court st next week 2 days. i don't really feel up to it, but what else can i do. say no? well... yeah. but then i always end up saying yes anyway. i don't like this.
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