Tuesday, July 25, 2006

and finally, onto the objective of my posting today. sunday was jess's long awaited bbq, and this is the group shot of everyone who attended. i don't really remember half the names of the people in this, but by the time we took this pic A LOT of people had left already, which was sort of weird. why save the group pic until AFTER people leave? but then if you think about it, we had barely enough room to fit these people on her back porch and in the pic, let alone all those other people too. i had to do this with flash on, since without flash it looked like god was dropping the sun on us. i also ended up taking bunches of pics of the giant pine in the back, as well as the sky in several different shades as it started to set. i'm the one with the outrageously colorful shirt. mike right behind me, and jess right behind him. the rest i either don't remember or don't know well enough to mention, so there it is.

that's theresa with (kim's) baby, she really wanted me to get a pic of her with it ^^;; i love the warm lighting in this. so did she, haha.

this is an interesting tree stump in jess's backyard. looks like it got struck by lightning or something. if i were a kid i would love to burrow in that hole and make a little fortress, given that i don't know how dirty it is in there. looking at it now, it actually reminds me of a bird's nest the way the twigs are sticking out everywhere.

and this is said pine tree with rain clouds coming up. i believe this was sometime in the afternoon when everyone was still out playing sports and such.

and then this is the same pine tree with the sun setting and clouds that look like tire tread marks. the dark clouds above the tree were left out of this pic, but were actually swirling sort of in a circle, so it felt like the storm was going to be directly above us. with that said it was actually pretty surprising that it didn't rain at all while we were there. it had rained beforehand though, which left the grass wet and slippery. my ankle still hurts from slipping while trying to dive for the birdie (badminton).

anyway this is a zoomed out pic of all the swirling clouds, or part of them anyway.

and these are the tire marks with a trail of clouds that makes it look like a plane just crash landed.

...and the trip home!

wow, not posting in forever. this is new. this is a shot from yesterday, purely by chance that there were no cars on the road, especially lucky for a road as busy as that one. i thought it looked cool how the road is sort of put on focus and the rest is out black from the sun. it made me think of one of those roads out at night with nothing illuminating them but the street lamps, and the clouds cluttered around the sun there looked like a jellyfish floating by, with the clouds as the tentacles. talking about it like this reminds me of the notion of lying on a blanket on a summer day and pointing out what you see in clouds, but then again, if i'd been looking at this in real life for this long i'd prolly be blind by now.

from yesterday also. umm, i don't know why i like this. the way the straps were laid out just looked sort of cool, and i was particularly fascinated by the camera in my hand at the moment, so here it is. i still don't know why i'm posting this.

last one from yesterday. i took a whole series of these, and ended up picking this out since they all looked pretty much the same. i guess i just sort of liked how the wires looked like they were connected to the sun. no other reason really, besides that. this is one of those things where i'm posting just to post.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Another wish list of things I cannot afford.

why must i always do this? WHYYY?? this is... the upcoming release of the k800, the next model after my previous dream phone (k750, it's the k800 now). it has 3.2 mp and has a sort of imitation burst mode, called bestpic technology or something. HOT. link to technical stuff here.

the canon s3is is the not-so-popular upgrade to the s2is, which is apparently deemed the best on cnet. the s3is wasn't so popular though, so i really wonder if i should get this. the only reason why i'm looking to begin with is just to compensate for my current camera's horrible zoom. well what do you expect, with a point&shoot. technical details: here.

canon eos 30d, a camera that would cost me my soul. prices start more than a grand, and i know this is definitely not what i'm getting, but just a little drooling can't hurt. this is one sexy piece of equipment i would love to learn how to use. even just looking at the picture makes me wanna stroke my monitor. technical details.

canon rebel xt. i want. BAD. its price is low for a dslr and when it comes down to it the ones i really want are the megazoom canon s3is and this. but the way the equation works in my head is that with the s3is it'll be like owning a more expensive version of a point&shoot that zooms well, and with this it's owning my first step of actual photography, not to mention i'll have to pay extra for decent lenses, i'm sure. and it's about maybe $400 extra for decent lenses. so i guess it will be about another grand, but which to go with? the pricy point&shoot or the cheap dslr? i have no idea. how do you even compare? this is also the most popular camera on cnet, forgot to add that. technical details here.

the view in the rearview mirror near mike's house that looked sorta cool to me. it's kinda hard to try not to get myself in the pic -__-;; cuz it's a MIRROR. i liked how the 'T' sign reflected off the glass and the body of the car, and THEN shows up in the mirror to be taken a pic of. a nice treat for the end of the day.

this is peter's back porch, where he has this nice vine hanging down from the roof setup. it's really pretty, and the sun filtering through made it look cool, so i decided to take a pic of it while everyone was just talking about school and such. the rays of the sun doesn't come out in the picture though, so oh well. but it still looks pretty.
to peter.
i'm sorry about yesterday, and i'm sorry if i ruined your mood too because of me. i just hadn't realized that that was really your one big event before going back to cali, and i was just being selfish. i wouldn't have realized if jenny hadn't called me and told me that what i said was mean, and i guess i just took it for granted that you'll be in ma. i guess that's what happens. when i see you again it's like oh yay he's back for good, and then that thought just sticks in my head even when you tell me otherwise. and i feel that it wasn't so much as my overthinking it as that there are certain nerves that still hurt when they're hit, no matter how many times i get put through it already. the past couple of weeks i've been repeating to myself in my head, i don't know what the fuck i'll do, or i don't know how to do this. i guess i really expected to just throw that off and relax, but being around so many people who are already on their way to success, i guess, in my mind was just like an ultimate putdown. i know i'm sensitive, and i know it shouldn't bother me, but it's just sort of this constant stabbing pain type thing in the back of my head.
i know you didn't need to hear all those things. i just... really want you to understand how i felt. at no point in time did i feel that it was anyone's fault, but i did attempt to lash out i guess. i'm sorry for that. and i'm sorry that i made such a poor performance of myself and just slumped over. oh, but all the girls squealing did get to me though. it's like deja vu of 9th grade, when all the boys used to chase the girls around and the girls would be like "no!" in this stupid high-pitched voice. or that's just me, cuz i'm such a party pooper. again, i'm sorry that i left on such a bad note. if i'd only remembered that the date of departure was THIS FRIDAY. i would've stayed, and even in a bad mood i would've tried to control myself. i really even wanted to stay a little later just to be able to talk to you a little more personally like we used to, but i guess it didn't work out that way. again, my fault entirely. i'm really really sorry.
p.s. - i didn't call you back because i ended up falling asleep with the phone in my hand =) mike claims it rang but i never heard it. i claim poor service. either way i hope you're not mad at me =(
i know you didn't need to hear all those things. i just... really want you to understand how i felt. at no point in time did i feel that it was anyone's fault, but i did attempt to lash out i guess. i'm sorry for that. and i'm sorry that i made such a poor performance of myself and just slumped over. oh, but all the girls squealing did get to me though. it's like deja vu of 9th grade, when all the boys used to chase the girls around and the girls would be like "no!" in this stupid high-pitched voice. or that's just me, cuz i'm such a party pooper. again, i'm sorry that i left on such a bad note. if i'd only remembered that the date of departure was THIS FRIDAY. i would've stayed, and even in a bad mood i would've tried to control myself. i really even wanted to stay a little later just to be able to talk to you a little more personally like we used to, but i guess it didn't work out that way. again, my fault entirely. i'm really really sorry.
p.s. - i didn't call you back because i ended up falling asleep with the phone in my hand =) mike claims it rang but i never heard it. i claim poor service. either way i hope you're not mad at me =(
Saturday, July 08, 2006

this is our date, 6/25, for pho since we missed our initial anniversary cuz he had work and we were just lazy. i don't so much as like this as that it makes me hungry. actually, it doesn't so much as make me hungry as it makes me crave pho ~__~ and some of those crunchy spring rolls. with the sauce that mike loves to pour in his pho soup *drools* i can imagine myself as a pregnant woman right now already. i'll be a britney spears after giving birth, guaranteed.

this was taken sometime in sep. 05 on our trip back from quincy, and there were some boats docked and i didn't quite have enough time to shoot them. mike was driving his usual speed. so, now i don't even know what those black splotches are, but the main word that comes to mind is "memory" and "time". i don't know why i'm fond of it. aww man, i should scan in the pic of that boat the old lady drew and signed for me while i worked at staples. and post that. i wonder how she's doing now. that always cheered me up whenever i looked at it, even with the worst of customers.

these are pics of me slutty self while mike was at work, circa 6/18. i was bored and just got nice shorts from tello's and a whole package of shoes shipped in. those shoes were the ones i particularly liked, and the shorts i bought with jess at tello's, the same day i went to staples court st. and told them i'd work for chris shortly after i told jess right outside the door that i'll say no at all costs. yes, i'm a camera whore ~__~ but i like the pictures :D the window behind me and the sun filtering in gives it a nice glow. these were all set on timer before i RUSHED to sit so a lot of them turned out with me off center or something. i ended up photoshopping one of these for mike with a heart in a thought bubble and an animated cat + dog, over here. when you don't have a job and is stuck at someone's house (well, technically mine too now that i've lived here for a year) for HOURS on end this is what you tend to do. that is, after you run out of things to take pictures of. after taking pics of oily dishes that need to be washed this was the best thing i could come up with as an alternate solution.
iono, it's like ever since i took such gorgeous pics of mike's sister i'm obsessed with being able to take a perfect pic of myself, without having to use photoshop to airbrush or anything. or just, people. it's the overly shallow side of myself revealing itself. hmm, maybe i should post a second entry to this with the full quality vers. of jenny's pics, in the same format. her pics are so freakin gorgeous, i can't help being jealous. one more thing: isn't it funny how the objects on the floor keep shifting? it's cuz i kept tripping over them on my way to sit down xD i can't help laughing at that, it's like a slideshow and the objects on the floor have minds of their own.
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