why must i always do this? WHYYY?? this is... the upcoming release of the k800, the next model after my previous dream phone (k750, it's the k800 now). it has 3.2 mp and has a sort of imitation burst mode, called bestpic technology or something. HOT. link to technical stuff here.

the canon s3is is the not-so-popular upgrade to the s2is, which is apparently deemed the best on cnet. the s3is wasn't so popular though, so i really wonder if i should get this. the only reason why i'm looking to begin with is just to compensate for my current camera's horrible zoom. well what do you expect, with a point&shoot. technical details: here.

canon eos 30d, a camera that would cost me my soul. prices start more than a grand, and i know this is definitely not what i'm getting, but just a little drooling can't hurt. this is one sexy piece of equipment i would love to learn how to use. even just looking at the picture makes me wanna stroke my monitor. technical details.

canon rebel xt. i want. BAD. its price is low for a dslr and when it comes down to it the ones i really want are the megazoom canon s3is and this. but the way the equation works in my head is that with the s3is it'll be like owning a more expensive version of a point&shoot that zooms well, and with this it's owning my first step of actual photography, not to mention i'll have to pay extra for decent lenses, i'm sure. and it's about maybe $400 extra for decent lenses. so i guess it will be about another grand, but which to go with? the pricy point&shoot or the cheap dslr? i have no idea. how do you even compare? this is also the most popular camera on cnet, forgot to add that. technical details here.
I have the same problem, It seems I am always running a day late on Technology. As I dont need a new phone I am sure I will have one within the month. Oh well got to have a little fun right? good luck...you are a very good photographer.
On the subject of fiction recommendations, I just got a novel that comes highly recommended. I haven’t read it yet, but Keith just loaned me a copy of Graham Joyce’s The Limits of Enchantment. Joyce wrote a favorable review of The Stolen Child for The Washington Post. Given that they both seem to like each other’s work, this is probably a good read for a fan of The Stolen Child.
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