i don't have anything new to post, but i'm itching to post. i'm just browsing through old pics and seeing which ones might be post-worthy that i've skipped. i thought this looked interesting the way the flower on main focus is sort of tilting toward the other ones in the back. i've sort of been forgetting my camera lately so with nice potential shots, nothing. got to make a habit of keeping it on me somewhere. maybe even double-knotting it to my bag. need to bring my ipod along more too. it's just been serving as my #1 attachable hard drive for music. and even still i only have 10gb free on it ~__~

this would be pretty if the one in front wasn't all dried and half wilted. this was all at home depot btw, which was the day mike got mad at me for snapping at everything. oh, and today was supposed to be when we went on our date to see pirates of the caribbean but i can't stand the idea of paying $10 each for admission -__-;; just realized this looks like lotuses and lily pads, sort of. also, i just realized this would look so much better if the sides were cropped to the edge of the 2 flowers, but i'm feeling lazy and moving on.

i thought the few damaged petals reminded me of that poem i did for declamation in my 2nd year of 9th grade, and one of those atypical "he loves me, he loves me not" flowers. i can really see the petals drifting in the water around it or something. makes me wish i could go back, rip the flower off its stem and drop it in some water with some scattered petals of the same type of flower and snap a shot before the ripples disperse. but no, i'm really against picking flowers.

mm, gook fa cha. makes me wanna drink some good ol chinese tea. should this be flipped to be a vertical pic instead? not that i really care, i just think that the difference in the flower colors due to the weird angle of lighting makes it look sorta cool. and the directions the flowers are facing describes perspective in an odd way.

just felt like posting the whole series of the pics i took of these. nothing much to say about this one except that i wish there was a bee smack dab in the middle of the picture, to the right of the stimuli a little bit.

and the last one of these. i liked how the focus was on the center of the flower and the petals are out of focus closest to the camera. i don't know, it builds for a nice effect. i should probably photoshop some of these pics a little bit and repost the photoshopped ones later, but it'll depend how lazy i am.

umm... this is the wrinkled thing in mike's backyard. i didn't take this one, he did. i was too cranky to take a pic of a flower that day so he did it for me. i love lilies =) but otherwise i guess the shriveling up makes me feel bad cuz the flower looks kinda diseased. this is just one of those posting just cuz i feel like posting ones.
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